This was a site that a couple of us here at BBSR had wanted to dive for a while, as it is not dived commercially. We had been researching the history of the wreck, and had managed to get an approximate location, albeit the other side of the channel as indicated by the charts of the area. A rough GPS location supplied by a local dive operator gave us confirmation of this. We took a small boat out to the area, and dropped the anchor. Descending the anchor line, we found that we had dropped it straight on to the wreck! We only had a small amount of air in our tanks, so we surfaced. The following day we tried again, this time with full tanks. We almost had to cancel, as a storm cloud to the south of us started to produce a funnel cloud, but it disappeared before a waterspout could form. The dive itself gave some good photos, including scattered deck winches (pictures 1-3) and the empty lifeboat supports (picture 18).
Max Depth: 23.3m
Dive time: 0:54